Program Mission:

Graduating qualified experts with advanced skills in analyzing, evaluating, and designing electrical systems of various types, with a focus on renewable energy, artificial intelligence, and process automation. Conducting advanced scientific research to provide innovative solutions that serve society.

Program Objectives:

  1. Developing deep insights into electrical engineering theories and concepts by providing advanced knowledge in power systems, electronics, communications, and control engineering to help students tackle complex issues.
  2. Boosting technical skills for innovative energy project design and implementation, enabling students to create and refine advanced electrical systems that meet contemporary industrial and societal needs.
  3. Driving new technology development through advanced scientific research, motivating students to engage in pioneering research that advances electrical technology, focusing on innovation and sustainability in renewable energy and smart grids.
  4. Training students to devise sustainable and effective engineering solutions that promote sustainable development, enhance energy efficiency, and minimize environmental impacts.
  5. Equipping students with the necessary skills and knowledge to implement engineering solutions that enhance community infrastructure.

Program Learning Outcomes:

  • K1  -  Demonstrate advanced knowledge and understanding of the principles and practices of specialized domain of electrical engineering
  • S1  -  Apply advanced mathematical, scientific, and technical knowledge to solve complex problems in specialized field of electrical engineering
  • S2 -   Use analysis, simulations, and experiments to develop and evaluate solutions in specialized field of electrical engineering 
  • S3 -   Design electrical engineering systems that meet specified needs and constraints
  • S4 -   Effectively communicate analysis and research results to diverse audiences
  • V1 -   Conduct and produce quality research in electrical engineering assuming professional and ethical responsibility.
  • V2 -   Manage effectively specialized applications in electrical engineering discipline with a high degree of independence
  • V3 -   Lead and collaborate effectively in improving the quality of engineering research to contribute to supporting the society life quality
Program specification