The quality management system at Northern Border University consists of two main components, namely internal quality assurance and external quality assurance, as they complement each other to ensure the achievement of an effective quality management system at all levels, as shown in the following Figure (Figure 1).


Figure 1 - An organizational chart of the internal and external quality management system

at the college / program level



The College of Engineering at Northern Border University is committed to providing its students with the highest quality engineering education possible. To achieve this goal, the college has established a comprehensive quality system that includes a number of key components.

Program Quality and Academic Accreditation Committee (PQAAC)

Each engineering program at the college has a PQAAC, which is responsible for promoting a culture of quality, identifying training needs, developing and implementing improvement plans, and preparing reports and documentation. The PQAAC meets regularly to discuss the progress of the program and identify areas for improvement.

The Quality and Academic Accreditation Unit (QAU)

The Quality and Academic Accreditation Unit (QAU) of the College of Engineering is responsible for promoting a culture of quality, evaluating the level of performance, and developing strategic plans for the College. The QAU's objectives are to enhance the concept of quality and its mechanisms in all educational programs within the college, improve students' learning and learning outcomes, implement evaluation and academic accreditation for all programs in the college, exchange experiences with similar bodies and organizations in the University and other universities to benefit from the development of the educational process,

The Vice Dean for Development and Community partnership

The VDCR is responsible for overseeing the work of the PQAACs and ensuring that the quality system is implemented effectively. The VDCR also represents the college on matters related to quality and academic accreditation.

The Supervisory Committee for Quality in the College (SCQC)

The SCQC is responsible for overseeing the quality of academic programs in the college. The SCQC is composed of deans, chairs, and other senior faculty from the college. The SCQC meets regularly to review the work of the PQAACs and make recommendations for improvement.

The College Council

The College Council is responsible for overseeing the overall quality of the college. The College Council reviews the decisions of the SCQC and makes final decisions on matters related to quality and academic accreditation.

The organizational structure of the quality system in the College of Engineering and the overall quality system at the university level are closely aligned. This ensures that the quality system in the college is consistent with the overall quality system at the university, and that the college's programs are meeting the university's quality standards. The following figure shows the organizational structure of the quality system in the College of Engineering, and its relationship to the overall quality system at the university level.



Figure 2 - The organizational structure of the quality system in the university colleges